How to use google docs on a windows pc
How to use google docs on a windows pc

how to use google docs on a windows pc

how to use google docs on a windows pc

To set a Bookmark in Chrome for Google Docs, simply open Google Docs and hit COMMAND+ D on Mac and on Windows just hit Ctr + D. That way, you’ll have quick and easy access to Google Docs without having to type Google Docs into Google and then go through the process of signing in. If you use the Chrome browser, the best thing to do is just set a Bookmark for Google Docs. You can also download Google Drive for Mac and Windows too, if you’d prefer to manage things natively on your desktop computer or laptop. Once you’re signed in, all of your work and previous Google Docs will appear. If you’re on your PC and/or Mac, you can run Google Docs in your browser. No one wants to end up with hundreds of Untitled Documents in their Google Drive. Make sure you give the document a name, though, as this will make finding it later easier. Once you have the app downloaded, simply open up Google Docs and hit the + icon to start a new document.


You will need a Gmailto sign-in, however, and if you don’t have one of them, you can grab one for free here. Simply go to the Google Play Store or the App Store and download it. If you’re using Google Docs on your phone, there is a dedicated application available for both Android and iPhone. How To Install Google Docs On Your Phone, Tablet & Computer This is one of the main reasons why loads of businesses have switched over to Google Workspace, formally known as G-Suite. The other user will then be able to collaborate in real-time on the document with you as well as make changes. All you need to do is add them or share the document via Gmail. All of your data and documents are automatically synced and saved, so you can start an idea on your phone while traveling on the train and then pick up where you left off on your PC when you get home.Īnd because Google Docs is part of Google Drive, you can collaborate with other users on documents. Google Docs runs in the cloud, so while you download an app on your phone, you can run the entire platform via your browser too.

How to use google docs on a windows pc